The Story of The Perfect Pint
Achieving Customer Satisfaction
Did You Know...?
Did you know that in Ireland alone, we will drink an average of over 6000 pints of lager or Stout each in our adult lifetime? That’s a lot of pints, not to mention hangovers! It’s even better news for you, the licensee; as this equals a lot of money in your tills. So how do you keep your customers coming back to ensure a large proportion of those pints are supped at your establishment? Well, the easy and often overlooked answer is to pour them the Perfect Pint! How do you get this much talked about, but unfortunately, rarely seen Perfect Pint? It is estimated that there are 400 quality checks carried out during the production of beer. This effort will be wasted at the point of presenting the drink to the customer if key “fit to fill” or “Beer Clean” criteria on the washed glass have not been met.
To Serve The Perfect Pint...
To serve the Perfect Pint you need a perfectly clean, perfectly dry glass. The state of the glass at the point of presenting the drink is an essential element in customer satisfaction.
Characteristics of a glass that is “fit to fill” or “Beer Clean” may be summarised as being:
Free Rinsing
Visually Bright
Cool and Dry
We have developed the Perfect Pint Process, a comprehensive 5-step solution engineered to guarantee excellence in glassware for the hospitality industry. Each step of the process plays a vital role in enhancing the overall drinking experience for customers and not only maximises the likelihood of serving from 'beer clean' glasses, but also significantly reduces customer complaints and returned drinks.